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Mervin Evans - 37th
Congress  -  California  
Career coaching along your own path.

Home Page

Mervin Evans memorial website. 1952-2016. An amazing teacher and activist. Mervin was the type of person to give you the shirt off his back, and buy you another one next week. I'll keep this site up as long as I'm able. Click here to visit Mervin's obituary.

Mervin  Evans Announces his
 Picks for the June Primary
  Tim Donnelly

Lieutenant Governor

Gavin  Newsom 

Secretary  of State

 Alex  Padilla

State Controller

Betty  Yee


John Chiang

Attorney  General

Kamala  Harris

Insurance Commissioner

Davis Jones  &  Mervin Evans

Board of Equalization  #3

Jerome  Horton


Maxine Waters-43  &  Mervin Evans-37th

Maxine Waters is the U.S. Representative for the 43rd  district

Janice Hahn-44

State  Senate
30th District

Holly J.  Mitchell

State Assembly
54th District

Sebastian Ridley-Thomas

State Assembly
62nd District

Gloria  Gray

If you care about the future of our children,
Gloria Gray is our best candidate.

State Assembly 
64th District

Mike  Gipson
Mike Gipson is the frontrunner in the race for California’s 64th State Assembly District  

Judge of Los Angeles Superior Court

Office #  22

  Amy Carter

Office # 48

 Carol  Rose  &  Assemblyman Hall

Office # 54

 Shannon Knight &  Assemblyman Hall

Office # 76

 Alison Matsumoto Estrada

Office# 87

Tom Griego

Office # 97

 Songhai Sunny Armstead &
 Assembly Hall

Office # 107  

 Joan Chrostek 

Office #113

Stacy Weise &  Mayor  Chris Brown

Office # 117  

Carol Najera

Office #138  

Donna Hollingworth Armstrong &
Assemblymen Hall

Office #157

Andrew Cooper & Assemblyman Hall

Superintendent of Public Instruction

Lydia Gutierrez

Board of Education
Open Position


 Jeff Prang  and Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas


Bob  Olmsted

PROP  41-Veteran's Housing

Prop 42 Open Govt Meetings

Evans Names Dr. Charles
 Moore as Campaign Chair


Mervin Evans Tells
Congressman  Rob  Wittman  Protect the Military Families

Chuck Hagel
Care of Rep. Rob Wittman


I am worried about the future of the United States .

President Obama’s National  Security  Management Plan  is more confusing than the ObamaCare  Health Plan.  Any plan  to kick  80,000 Army  Families to the Curb is  wrong and  Bad Public Policy. 

As a Veteran, having served in the 1/10th    Air Cav, US Army,  I am alarmed that there  is an effort to  cut Military Resources.    The current planned cutbacks in the military will leave our country in a very grave position.  Continued Military support for Israel is vital.

The  proposed  military   cutbacks. put too many  jobs  at risk, It is wrong  and harmful to our Army.  A loss of 80,000 troops is Bad Public Policy  at this time.  We are facing too many threats.

These military cutbacks  send the wrong message.  

We are putting hope in the hearts of the terrorists: JUST HOLD ON, the US WILL FAIL

We are telling our Military Families: WE  HAVE  NO  VALUE  FOR  YOUR SERVICE

We are telling our Young People: THERE IS NO FUTURE IN MILITARY SERVICE

Special Forces  are a valued resource and very critical to our National Security,  but Army Combat  Troops are very critical also.

Thank You,

Mervin Evans

PO BOX  71351

Los Angeles  CA  90071


Complete  Interview with Congressman Rob Wittman


Evans Say  Yes on Keystone

Evans Campaign Releases  Advance Copy of TV Spots

Find the $15 An Hour Wage

Protect the Army


If Courage and Leadership had
another Name !


Author  /  Crisis  Management  Consultant

Our  Veterans Come First:

As a Veteran of the 1/10th Air Cav,  if elected I will will work hard to ensure California keeps its promise to honor America’s veterans. I supports full funding for veterans' health care programs and  will  fight to provide adequate disability compensation for veterans with service-connected disabilities.

In addition to caring for today's retired military,  I am very concerned about future veterans, particularly those returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. I will will fight hard against proposed cuts to veterans’ healthcare benefits and strongly supports increased services for significantly wounded veterans, including enhanced mental health screening and psychiatric care. As active duty and reservists transfer from military to civilian life, I will continue to ensure that the federal government is fulfilling its obligations to our men and women in uniform and honoring veterans of all ages for their service.

I am  a Veteran listening to and looking out for our Military, our Veterans, and their Families. Making California  America’s Most Veteran Friendly State is my first goal.    America is engage in 2 foolish wars.  California has a special responsibility to support our active duty military service members, reservists, National Guard members and DOD civilian employees, the over 2,087,000 military veterans, and the families of our service members and veterans all of whom call the Golden State their home.   Over  8% of  US Veterans live in California.   I support our veterans, and do so with a passion. Serving as your Trustee  will be the greatest honor in my life and I will dedicate myself to making California and America a better place.


1.)   I oppose Assisted Suicide !                          

 2.)   End  The  Homeless Vet Crisis !

 3.)   Stop All 1-B-Visa Programs            

 4.)   Vet Education &Vet Job Training !

 5.)   100% - Suicide Prevention Management    

 6.)   Fully Fund All VA Medical Service Centers

 7.)   Reduce the Age for VET Housing         

 8.)    Enhance Services for the Disable-Vet

 9.)   Step Up Home Ownership Packages for Grade      Loans B & C & D Credit Scores

 10.)  Greater Funding for Veteran’s Small  Business 

Thank You,


Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas & Mervin Evans

Getting smart about school reform and accountability!

Mervin Evans  backs education reforms that set high standards and hold schools accountable. But too much valuable class time is wasted in repetitive testing. Let's streamline state and federal rules so teachers can spend more time teaching - and still get the test data needed to improve performance.


Fighting for Jobs and Opportunity
"We can’t let California become a state of only the rich and the poor. We need a true safety net that makes decent housing and quality health care affordable for every family."

Mervin Evans
PO BOX 71351
Los Angeles,  CA  90071
323 301-0499 
Mervin Evans

PO BOX 71351   Los Angeles  CA  90071

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